Odaiko New England (ONE) was formed in 1994 and is one of the premier taiko groups on the East Coast. By combining Japanese aesthetic sensibility with the American spirit, ONE has forged its own distinctive style and voice.
In Japan the sounds of taiko are infused into various aspects of daily life. From Shinto and Buddhist rituals to celebratory festivals, taiko is said to be the voice and spirit of the Japanese. Its rhythms reflect the sounds of nature, the changing of the seasons, a mother’s heartbeat. The sound of taiko is palpable and its language is universal. It speaks across boundaries of race, class, culture, and religion, and appeals to people of all ages and gender.
Our aim is to make taiko a familiar art form to American audiences and encourage a greater appreciation and understanding of Asian American cultures. We believe taiko has the power to bring people together in harmony and community. In the spirit of kumidaiko (ensemble drumming), we strive to drum as ONE voice.
Brought together by a common love of taiko, the members and supporters of Odaiko New England reflect the diversity of New England. Through performances, workshops, lecture demonstrations, and ongoing taiko classes, ONE’s wish is to proudly share taiko with as many people as possible.
“Experience the visceral power of Odaiko New England as the drummers move and drum in unison, creating a sensation that can be felt as much as seen and heard.”
“The powerful sound of taiko, combined with dynamic movement, makes for an exuberant and energetic performance that is sure to delight and mesmerize audiences of all ages and cultural backgrounds.”