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Fundamentals Taiko Class @ ACAS
Jan 7 @ 6:45 pm – 8:30 pm

In our weekly Taiko Fundamentals class, new drummers learn essential taiko skills such as kata (form), kiai (vocalization) and kumi-daiko (ensemble drumming). Using our entire bodies to learn and play a song, we explore first-hand the mesmerizing, heart-pounding power of taiko while exploring its rich traditions and history. Taiko Fundamentals class is an invigorating experience for body, mind and spirit. No musical experience necessary.

Taiko Syles Class @ ACAS
Jan 7 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm

In our Taiko Styles Class more experienced taiko players explore several of the taiko styles that form a common bond and language throughout the international taiko community. Taiko Styles Class also continues the tradition of learning and playing taiko songs using kuchi showa.

Dover Town Library
Jan 9 @ 8:00 pm
Fundamentals Taiko Class @ ACAS
Jan 14 @ 6:45 pm – 8:30 pm

In our weekly Taiko Fundamentals class, new drummers learn essential taiko skills such as kata (form), kiai (vocalization) and kumi-daiko (ensemble drumming). Using our entire bodies to learn and play a song, we explore first-hand the mesmerizing, heart-pounding power of taiko while exploring its rich traditions and history. Taiko Fundamentals class is an invigorating experience for body, mind and spirit. No musical experience necessary.

Taiko Syles Class @ ACAS
Jan 14 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm

In our Taiko Styles Class more experienced taiko players explore several of the taiko styles that form a common bond and language throughout the international taiko community. Taiko Styles Class also continues the tradition of learning and playing taiko songs using kuchi showa.

Oshogatsu at the Boston Children’s Museum @ Boston Children's Museum
Jan 19 – Jan 20 all-day

childrens-msuseum-obon-1Oshogatsu, a festival welcoming the New Year, is one of Japan’s most important annual festivals. Join us at the Children’s Museum to celebrate 2014, the Year of the Horse. Following our performance will be a shi-shi-mai (lion dance) and parade with taiko accompaniment.


The performance is free with admission to the museum. We will be performing twice during the day. The times are TBD but will be in the afternoon. For more information, please visit The Boston Children’s Museum event calendar.

Fundamentals Taiko Class @ ACAS
Jan 21 @ 6:45 pm – 8:30 pm

In our weekly Taiko Fundamentals class, new drummers learn essential taiko skills such as kata (form), kiai (vocalization) and kumi-daiko (ensemble drumming). Using our entire bodies to learn and play a song, we explore first-hand the mesmerizing, heart-pounding power of taiko while exploring its rich traditions and history. Taiko Fundamentals class is an invigorating experience for body, mind and spirit. No musical experience necessary.

Taiko Syles Class @ ACAS
Jan 21 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm

In our Taiko Styles Class more experienced taiko players explore several of the taiko styles that form a common bond and language throughout the international taiko community. Taiko Styles Class also continues the tradition of learning and playing taiko songs using kuchi showa.

Fundamentals Taiko Class @ ACAS
Jan 28 @ 6:45 pm – 8:30 pm

In our weekly Taiko Fundamentals class, new drummers learn essential taiko skills such as kata (form), kiai (vocalization) and kumi-daiko (ensemble drumming). Using our entire bodies to learn and play a song, we explore first-hand the mesmerizing, heart-pounding power of taiko while exploring its rich traditions and history. Taiko Fundamentals class is an invigorating experience for body, mind and spirit. No musical experience necessary.

Taiko Syles Class @ ACAS
Jan 28 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm

In our Taiko Styles Class more experienced taiko players explore several of the taiko styles that form a common bond and language throughout the international taiko community. Taiko Styles Class also continues the tradition of learning and playing taiko songs using kuchi showa.