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Walk For Hunger @ Boston Common
May 4 @ 3:45 pm – 5:45 pm

Walk For HungerFor the sixth consecutive year, Odaiko New England will energize more than 40,000 walkers at this year’s Walk for Hunger. Come hear our thunderous taiko rhythms on the Boston Common at the finish line of the 20-mile route. We look forward to sharing our spirit and joy in support of Project Bread and the walkers!

For more details about the Walk for Hunger, visit ProjectBread.org

Fundamentals Taiko Class @ ACAS
May 6 @ 6:45 pm – 8:30 pm

In our weekly Taiko Fundamentals class, new drummers learn essential taiko skills such as kata (form), kiai (vocalization) and kumi-daiko (ensemble drumming). Using our entire bodies to learn and play a song, we explore first-hand the mesmerizing, heart-pounding power of taiko while exploring its rich traditions and history. Taiko Fundamentals class is an invigorating experience for body, mind and spirit. No musical experience necessary.

Taiko Syles Class @ ACAS
May 6 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm

In our Taiko Styles Class more experienced taiko players explore several of the taiko styles that form a common bond and language throughout the international taiko community. Taiko Styles Class also continues the tradition of learning and playing taiko songs using kuchi showa.

Brookline Sakura Matsuri @ Brookline High School
May 10 @ 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
543083_10150821260472817_949995921_nThe Genki Spark once again hosts the Brookline Sakura Matsuri with music, bon odori dance, crafts, food, and, of course, taiko drumming with groups from all over the greater Boston area. Odaiko New England joins the Genki Spark at the Brookline High School to celebrate the cherry blossoms and have a lot of fun. The festival runs from noon until 4pm.

The event is co-Sponsored by Brookline High School.

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Fundamentals Taiko Class @ ACAS
May 13 @ 6:45 pm – 8:30 pm

In our weekly Taiko Fundamentals class, new drummers learn essential taiko skills such as kata (form), kiai (vocalization) and kumi-daiko (ensemble drumming). Using our entire bodies to learn and play a song, we explore first-hand the mesmerizing, heart-pounding power of taiko while exploring its rich traditions and history. Taiko Fundamentals class is an invigorating experience for body, mind and spirit. No musical experience necessary.

Taiko Syles Class @ ACAS
May 13 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm

In our Taiko Styles Class more experienced taiko players explore several of the taiko styles that form a common bond and language throughout the international taiko community. Taiko Styles Class also continues the tradition of learning and playing taiko songs using kuchi showa.

Woburn Worldfest @ Woburn Public Library Lawn
May 18 @ 8:15 pm

woburn-worlfest-2012Take a tour of the world at the Woburn Worldfest. Visitors can enjoy artwork, fair trade crafts, activities, cultural displays, and of course food from around the world.

WorldFest will take place on the Woburn Public Library Lawn at 45 Pleasant Street. The rain location is the Woburn Senior Center located at 144 School Street.

WorldFest will take place on May 18, 2014 from 2-5 pm and Odaiko New England will perform at 4:15pm.

Fundamentals Taiko Class @ ACAS
May 20 @ 6:45 pm – 8:30 pm

In our weekly Taiko Fundamentals class, new drummers learn essential taiko skills such as kata (form), kiai (vocalization) and kumi-daiko (ensemble drumming). Using our entire bodies to learn and play a song, we explore first-hand the mesmerizing, heart-pounding power of taiko while exploring its rich traditions and history. Taiko Fundamentals class is an invigorating experience for body, mind and spirit. No musical experience necessary.

Taiko Syles Class @ ACAS
May 20 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm

In our Taiko Styles Class more experienced taiko players explore several of the taiko styles that form a common bond and language throughout the international taiko community. Taiko Styles Class also continues the tradition of learning and playing taiko songs using kuchi showa.

Fundamentals Taiko Class @ ACAS
May 27 @ 6:45 pm – 8:30 pm

In our weekly Taiko Fundamentals class, new drummers learn essential taiko skills such as kata (form), kiai (vocalization) and kumi-daiko (ensemble drumming). Using our entire bodies to learn and play a song, we explore first-hand the mesmerizing, heart-pounding power of taiko while exploring its rich traditions and history. Taiko Fundamentals class is an invigorating experience for body, mind and spirit. No musical experience necessary.