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Introductory Taiko Workshop @ ACAS
Apr 3 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Have you seen taiko performed and thought “I want to do that!” Do you like booming drums, using your body and having fun? Do you enjoy rhythm, movement and teamwork? Odaiko New England is offering an introductory taiko workshop which is the perfect opportunity to try your hand at taiko. Our workshops are great for beginner players, even those with no musical background at all.

New drummers learn taiko fundamentals such as kata (form), kiai (vocalization) and kumidaiko (ensemble drumming). Using your entire body to learn and play a song, explore first-hand the mesmerizing, heart-pounding power of taiko. Come ready to move: wear comfortable clothing and bring water. Ear plugs are also highly recommended.

No experience is necessary! Returning students are welcome to attend. ONE brings enthusiastic and encouraging instructors and all necessary drums and equipment. Participants bring plenty of energy, spirit, and joy!

If you are interested, please fill out a pre-registration form.

To secure a spot, complete and mail in a registration form with your $35 workshop fee. You may also bring these with you on the day of the workshop. Group discounts are available if arranged in advance. Please email class@onetaiko.org or call 781-938-DRUM (3786) for details.

For more information about this workshop or about ONE classes email class@onetaiko.org or phone 781-938-DRUM (3786).

Jasmine Toguchi Book Launch @ Savoy Bookshop & Cafe
Apr 8 @ 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Join us at Savoy Bookshop and Cafe in Westerly RI for the launch of Jasmine Toguchi: Drummer Girl. There will be a reading, book signing and, since we’ll be there, taiko! The event is from 3-4pm.

Jasmine Toguchi: Drummer Girl about an 8-year-old girl looking for her talent for a talent show and she chooses to learn taiko!

The author, Debbi Michiko Florence, researched her book with Odaiko New England and we are pleased to be helping her launch the book!

Does your child want to be like Jasmine? Check out our Taiko for Kids.

Introductory Taiko Workshop @ ACAS
Jun 19 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Have you seen taiko performed and thought “I want to do that!” Do you like booming drums, using your body and having fun? Do you enjoy rhythm, movement and teamwork? Odaiko New England is offering an introductory taiko workshop which is the perfect opportunity to try your hand at taiko. Our workshops are great for beginner players, even those with no musical background at all.

New drummers learn taiko fundamentals such as kata (form), kiai (vocalization) and kumidaiko (ensemble drumming). Using your entire body to learn and play a song, explore first-hand the mesmerizing, heart-pounding power of taiko. Come ready to move: wear comfortable clothing and bring water. Ear plugs are also highly recommended.

No experience is necessary! Returning students are welcome to attend. ONE brings enthusiastic and encouraging instructors and all necessary drums and equipment. Participants bring plenty of energy, spirit, and joy!

If you are interested, please fill out a pre-registration form.

To secure a spot, complete and mail in a registration form with your $35 workshop fee. You may also bring these with you on the day of the workshop. Group discounts are available if arranged in advance. Please email class@onetaiko.org or call 781-938-DRUM (3786) for details.

For more information about this workshop or about ONE classes email class@onetaiko.org or phone 781-938-DRUM (3786).

PortConMaine @ The DoubleTree
Jun 24 @ 1:00 pm

Join us at PortConMaine, Maine’s geek culture celebration. A convention that includes anime, science fiction and fantasy, cosplay, table-top and video gaming, and other fandoms. Check out their amazing list of panels and events. ONE will be giving a taiko demonstration and workshops. A convention registration is required for access.


City of Newport Black Ships Festival @ Touro Park
Jul 14 @ 1:00 pm – 3:15 pm

Odaiko New England is very pleased to help celebrate the City of Newport’s weekend-long Black Ships Festival. This year catch our performances through out the day in Touro Park at 1pm, 2pm and 3pm. The festival celebrates the signing of the Treaty of Kanagawa, which opened the Japanese ports of Shimoda and Hakodate to United States trade.  The “Black Ships,” or “Kurofune,” refers to the Japanese term for foreign ships.

Shimoda is now Newport’s sister city and also celebrates this festival.

Summer in the City @ Raymond Park
Jul 19 @ 10:00 am

Odaiko New England brings taiko to Cambridge as part of the Summer in the City arts series. This free event brings music, dance, storytelling, theater, puppetry, movies and more to parks all over Cambridge. Summer in the City is supported by the City of Cambridge and Cambridge Community Foundation (CCF). Join us at 10am on Thursday, July 19th.

Alberti Hurdy Gurdy Festival
Aug 4 @ 11:00 pm

Odaiko New England will be adding some taiko boom to the Alberti Hurdy Gurdy Festival.

Fuller Craft Museum’s Free Fun Friday @ Fuller Craft Museum
Aug 10 @ 11:00 am

Join us at the Fuller Craft Museum’s Free Fun Friday for a day of family fun and art-making.  Come make your own fish kite as well as other actives and, of course, come see Odaiko New England at 11am. 

Introductory Taiko Workshop @ ACAS
Sep 4 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Have you seen taiko performed and thought “I want to do that!” Do you like booming drums, using your body and having fun? Do you enjoy rhythm, movement and teamwork? Odaiko New England is offering an introductory taiko workshop which is the perfect opportunity to try your hand at taiko. Our workshops are great for beginner players, even those with no musical background at all.

New drummers learn taiko fundamentals such as kata (form), kiai (vocalization) and kumidaiko (ensemble drumming). Using your entire body to learn and play a song, explore first-hand the mesmerizing, heart-pounding power of taiko. Come ready to move: wear comfortable clothing and bring water. Ear plugs are also highly recommended.

No experience is necessary! Returning students are welcome to attend. ONE brings enthusiastic and encouraging instructors and all necessary drums and equipment. Participants bring plenty of energy, spirit, and joy!

If you are interested, please fill out a pre-registration form.

To secure a spot, complete and mail in a registration form with your $35 workshop fee. You may also bring these with you on the day of the workshop. Group discounts are available if arranged in advance. Please email class@onetaiko.org or call 781-938-DRUM (3786) for details.

For more information about this workshop or about ONE classes email class@onetaiko.org or phone 781-938-DRUM (3786).

Laconia Multicultural Festival @ Rotary park
Sep 8 all-day

Odaiko New England is thrilled to return to the Laconia Multicultural Festival. Join us for an afternoon of food, music, crafts and fun.