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Young Audiences Performance
May 10 all-day

Odaiko New England brings taiko to schools all over New England through Young Audiences of Massachusetts. You can bring taiko to your school too!

Brookline Cherry Blossom Festival @ Brookline High School
May 18 @ 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
The Genki Spark and Brookline High School once again host the Brookline Cherry Blossom Festival with music, bon odori dance, crafts, food, and, of course, taiko drumming with groups from all over the greater Boston area. Come join us in celebrating the gift of the cherry blossoms in this fun, family-friendly event. When not performing, come visit us at our table.
Young Audiences Performance
May 21 all-day

Odaiko New England brings taiko to schools all over New England through Young Audiences of Massachusetts. You can bring taiko to your school too!

Taiko Basics Drumming Workshop @ Regent Underground Theatre
Jun 24 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Join Odaiko New England to connect your mind, body, and soul as a rhythmic collective through the Art of Japanese Taiko Drumming.
All ages and levels are welcome.

Have you seen taiko performed and thought “I want to do that!” Do you like booming drums, using your body and having fun? Do you enjoy rhythm, movement and teamwork? Odaiko New England is offering an introductory taiko workshop which is the perfect opportunity to try your hand at taiko. Our workshops are great for beginner players, even those with no musical background at all.

New drummers learn taiko fundamentals such as kata (form), kiai (vocalization) and kumidaiko (ensemble drumming). Using your entire body to learn and play a song, explore first-hand the mesmerizing, heart-pounding power of taiko. Come ready to move: wear comfortable clothing and bring water. Ear plugs are also highly recommended.

No experience is necessary! Returning students are welcome to attend. ONE brings enthusiastic and encouraging instructors and all necessary drums and equipment. Participants bring plenty of energy, spirit, and joy!

If you are interested, please fill out a pre-registration form.

To secure a spot, complete and mail in a registration form with your $35 workshop fee. You may also bring these with you on the day of the workshop. Group discounts are available if arranged in advance. Please email class@onetaiko.org or call 781-938-DRUM (3786) for details.

(Please note: The location is 7 Medford St. Arlington MA. Enter the glass door to the left of the main theater entrance of the Regent Theater when facing the Arlington Regent Theater.)

For more information about this workshop or about ONE classes email class@onetaiko.org or phone 781-938-DRUM (3786).

Arlington Alive! Summer Arts Block Party
Jun 29 @ 1:00 pm

Our new home, Arlington, celebrates the arts with the sixth annual Arlington Alive! Summer Arts Block Party. It is a free event with live music, storytelling, artisan and craft booths, food vendors, and activities for all ages. Odaiko New England opens the event at 1pm.

ONE’s “Hello Arlington” Performance/Open House @ Regent Underground Theatre
Jul 21 @ 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Odaiko New England (ONE) is a premier Japanese drumming group in New England. We are celebrating our 25th anniversary and new location in Arlington. Come see and hear what ONE has to offer!

After practicing over 20 years in Woburn, we found a new home in Arlington early this year. This event is our way of saying “Hello” to our new neighbors and show what taiko drumming is all about, and share our love for taiko. You will see different kind of drums, different style of drumming, and have a sneak peak of our new songs in progress, how our school shows would look like, and of course, try some drumming yourself!

All ages are welcome although taiko drumming can get really loud, so those who have sensitive hearing, we recommend bringing ear plugs.

FREE for public (donation appreciated).

Ota-Salem Obon Festival Celebration @ Peabody Essex Museum
Jul 27 @ 1:19 am – 2:19 am

Salem-Ota Cultural Exchange and students from Ota City, Tokyo celebrate Obon together at the Peabody Essex Museum. Come for some amazing taiko, and after the performance participate in bon odori (festival dancing.)

This event is included with museum admission.

Black Ships Festival @ Independence park
Aug 9 all-day


Odaiko New England is very pleased to return to Rhode Islands’s 36th annual Black Ships Festival, August 9th and 10th.

Friday evening, catch our full performance at 7pm at Independence Park.  The event is free.  Bring chairs and blankets to sit out on the grass. 

Saturday will feature multiple small performances throughout the day as part of the Arts & Crafts and Martial Arts Fair featuring demonstrations, workshops, and displays. And in the evening, we’ll be performing at the Black Ships Festival Gala.

The Black Ships Festival is a weekend-long festival celebrating the signing of the Treaty of Kanagawa, which opened the Japanese ports of Shimoda and Hakodate to United States trade.  The “Black Ships,” or “Kurofune,” refers to the Japanese term for foreign ships.

To celebrate this friendship, the Japanese city of Shimoda also celebrates this festival.

The Black Ships festival is hosted by the Japan-America Society of Rhode Island.

Black Ships Festival @ Independence park
Aug 10 all-day


Odaiko New England is very pleased to return to Rhode Islands’s 36th annual Black Ships Festival, August 9th and 10th.

Friday evening, catch our full performance at 7pm at Independence Park.  The event is free.  Bring chairs and blankets to sit out on the grass. 

Saturday will feature multiple small performances throughout the day as part of the Arts & Crafts and Martial Arts Fair featuring demonstrations, workshops, and displays. And in the evening, we’ll be performing at the Black Ships Festival Gala.

The Black Ships Festival is a weekend-long festival celebrating the signing of the Treaty of Kanagawa, which opened the Japanese ports of Shimoda and Hakodate to United States trade.  The “Black Ships,” or “Kurofune,” refers to the Japanese term for foreign ships.

To celebrate this friendship, the Japanese city of Shimoda also celebrates this festival.

The Black Ships festival is hosted by the Japan-America Society of Rhode Island.

Bolton Fair @ Kalon Farm
Aug 11 all-day

Join us at the 137th annual Bolton Fair in Lancaster, MA for an old fashioned agricultural fair with petting zoos, tractor pulls, fiddler contests, lumberjack shows, acrobats, livestock contests, exhibitions and entertainment. Odaiko New England will be performing on Sunday, August 11th.

Tickets available on line at http://www.boltonfair.org/. Parking is free